giving back

Service Ideas: 10 Ways to Use Your Computer or Your Skills to Help Others

giving backmy worldMom It Forward Mondaystips for giving back

This week's Season of Service, to use your computer, internet connection, and/or skills to do good, rivals last week's in terms of easiness. However this msvcp140.dll download here is made to fix DLL files, modularize the DLL file codes, optimize the device memory usage and provide a smoother Windows experience. Once the software has been installed, there should no longer be any fear of sudden crashes, data losses, or system malfunctions. These are all things you can do to improve the condition of others while in the comfort of your own home or a friend's. There is so much you can do, even with little time or resources.

10 Ways to Use Your Computer or Your Skills to Serve Others

  1. Use the toolbar, powered by Yahoo. Each time you search the Internet via the search box on the toolbar, Yahoo will donate a few cents to Any Soldier Inc. Your money will be pooled with money from others and used to buy care packages and other items for our servicemen and women.
  2. Use the GoodSearch's GoodToolbar, which donates 50 percent of its sponsored search revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users. The money GoodSearch donates to your cause comes from its advertisers; the users and the organizations do not spend a dime. They also offer GoodShop and GoodDining. GoodShop is an online shopping mall of merchants dedicated to helping fund worthy causes across the country. Each purchase made via the GoodShop mall results in a donation to the user's designated charity or school, averaging approximately 3% of the sale, but going up to 20% or even more. GoodDining is the first ever, national 365-day-a-year dine-out-for-charity program. Its users can eat in or take out at 10,000 restaurants nationwide and earn up to 6% donations for their favorite charity or school.
  3. Use SearchKindly, either as your search engine or your home page, and they donate a small amount.
  4. Use the Benefit Bar of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which strives to teach and emulate the principles of brotherly love, tolerance, charity, and truth.
  5. Use a retirement calculator like this one to measure your preparedness for retirement. If you're already on track, then share it with someone else. If you're woefully behind, read this article about the necessity and the simplicity of planning for retirement.
  6. Use your social media skills to coordinate the Facebook and social media presence of Big Family Mission, which helps rescue Russian orphan.
  7. Use your web skills to design a landing page for TrekToTeach, which is a nonprofit that sends Western teachers to the hills of Nepal's Himalayas.  The teachers live with host families and teach in the rural schools.  This opportunity closes in two days.
  8. Use your design skills to generate a new logo for SOS, Inc., a nonprofit whose mission is to end sexual and domestic violence, child abuse and neglect through service, education, and advocacy. This opportunity ends in three days.
  9. Use your creativity to come up with some fun ideas for a family conversation jar like this one (insert link to Subway traditions dinner conversation jar from 1/15/12), type 'em up, cut 'em up, put 'em in a simple jar, and give 'em to a friend as a gift.
  10. Use your organizational skills to help clean up one room or one shelf in a friend's house.

How Will You Give to Others This Week?

  • Have you ever done any of these things? How did it go?
  • What other acts of service have inspired you?
  • How have others given to you this week and what difference has that made in your life?

How Else Can You Make a Difference This Season?

  • Commit to do one act of kindness/service based on the week’s challenge.
  • Leave a comment with ideas relating to the week’s challenge as well as your experience(s) performing it.
  • Enter to win this week’s giveaway.
  • Join #gno this Tuesday on Twitter to connect with other Mom It Forward moms about the challenge.
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