
Savory and Sweet Dishes: 8 Easy Bacon-Filled Recipes

mommeal timerecipesfood

Perhaps it's because it's winter (or supposed to be — where's the snow?). Perhaps it's because we love tasty foods. Who knows why, but we've been thinking a lot about bacon around here lately. The crispy, smoky-flavored, sometimes-slightly-sweet, always-hot dish is a favorite when temperatures drop. The smell of…

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Healthy Kids: Managing Food Allergies Through Education and Advocacy


Food Allergies—Five months ago, my then seven month old baby was diagnosed with multiple food allergies after a severe bout with dermatitis. His dermatitis began when he was around four months old and even though we as parents knew he had food allergies, it took us three long…

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5 Things I’ve Learned from Parenting a Child with Autism


Parenting a child, and now an adult, with autism has been a rollercoaster of a ride. It has been a challenging road that I never could have imagined for myself. Despite the challenges, I have learned more about myself and the world around us than I ever could have imagined.…

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Fall Sensory Activities


Sensory exploration is so important for preschool-age children. It helps children to better understand how their bodies work while discovering the world around them. While we are all familiar with the five basic sensory systems, we actually have seven sensory systems:

  • olfactory (smell)
  • visual (sight)
  • auditory (hearing)
  • gustatory (taste)
  • tactile

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Home Decor: How to Create a Rustic Fall Scarecrow Wreath


Fall Decor—Beautiful leaves on the trees, cool crisp air, hay rides, and fall festivals are just some of the joys of autumn. Scarecrows have been around for about 3,000 years to protect fall crops from crows that would eat bountiful harvests. Nowadays, you'll usually see them more as…

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Healthy Recipe: Wheat Berry Salad With Lemon Herb Vinaigrette

mommeal time

As we get nearer to the warmer months of summertime, my mind often turns to meals that are easy to make or even have on hand that are filling, satisfying, and versatile while still being healthy for you. Since it is often much more economical to pack lunch for my…

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