giving back

Cut: Providing Service by Cutting

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Season of Service logo #33: Cut Service—Did you know that, according to, the word "cut" has more than 30 definitions? Amongst them are these: an act of cutting in particular; a reduction in amount or size; the act of making something by cutting; the end or interruption of the provision of something, especially power or food supplies; or the removal, exclusion, or end of eating or doing something undesirable (start today by cutting out fatty foods). The long list of definitions makes for a long list of possible ways to serve involving cutting. Below you'll find 10 bite-size ideas.

10 Bite-Size Ideas for Serving by Cutting

  1. Cut your long hair, if you have it, and donate it to Locks of Love.
  2. Cut paper, fabric, or another craft medium to create a craft or art object that you can donate to the CharityWings Etsy shop, to be sold by them on behalf of a different cause each month.
  3. Help end poverty and hunger by selling any used textbooks you might have to, who donates part of their proceeds to worthy causes such as OxFam and Feeding America, or donates the books outright to their global literacy partners.
  4. Read this Cigarette Butt Litter Fact Sheet or visit this page, then, if you smoke, dispose the butts of one pack of cigarettes in ashtrays instead of on the ground.
  5. Cut down on the amount of soda you drink by one can this week, and give your kids one less soda.
  6. Offer cuttings of your favorite herb, if you're a gardener, to a busy or non-green-thumb neighbor.
  7. Go "drive-by flowering." With a friend, cut some wildflowers from your yard or some fields, tie some bunches with string, and leave them on someone's front porch or tucked under their windshield wiper.
  8. Cut manufacturer's grocery coupons and Commissary’s for Military Personal and their families to use in the Commissary as they do not get coupons in their Sunday newspapers in other parts of the world. The military personnel can use coupons that have are expired by as much as six months! (This idea was submitted by an anonymous person without a link or contact as to where you would send the coupons. If you have any information on where to donate coupons to commissaries, let us know!)
  9. Make crafts with your children and help them take the finished craft gifts to an elderly neighbor or senior citizen center. See this page for some ideas.
  10. Help cut down on pollution by making and using beeswax candles, instead of the petroleum-based ones you buy at the store. See this page for instructions.

How Will You Give to Others This Week?

  • What other ideas do you have for giving to others by cutting?
  • How has going cutting or cutting down made a meaningful difference for you this week?
  • How have others given to you this week and what difference has that made in your life?

How Else Can You Make a Difference This Season?

Make a meaningful difference this season by taking the Season of Service (SOS) Challenge. Here's how you can participate:

  • Commit to do one act of kindness/service based on the week's challenge.
  • Leave a comment with ideas relating to the week's challenge as well as your experience(s) performing it.
  • Enter to win each week's giveaway. Check out this week's prizes from Reddi-Wip or Universal Orlando by clicking here or here.
  • Join #gno this Tuesday or Thursday on Twitter to connect with other Mom It Forward moms about the challenge.
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