My Eulogy to Naptime
Naptime is a sacred time amongst parents. We savor that section of the day when the house is finally still. The quiet is so calming and peaceful, with endless possibilities waiting.
Will we get some house work done? Answer emails, surf the web, workout…or maybe just have a cup of tea? There are entire websites devoted to adventures during naptime, and for me it’s pure bliss. The minutes are usually precisely scheduled, for this is when the majority of my work calls are made, and scripts are written. And sometimes I allow myself to relax and just read a magazine.
But lately my sweet baby, (who is now a determined toddler) hasn’t been napping. She’s been destroying her black out shades, jumping on her bed, climbing out of her bed (the horror!), and screaming like a cat in heat. She is sprouting four new molars, and sleep is the least of her concern. Not only is she miserable, but so am I. When will I work? How will I keep her from turning into Stinkerbell later in the day? How can I live without naptime?!
I feel like this passing is too much to bear, and I honestly don’t know how we will get through. So this is what I would say…if I was able to eulogize my beloved naptime;
Naptime was my best friend. The time in my life so precious, that living without it seems impossible now. Naptime gave me peace, tranquility, and a semblance of sanity. Not only did it give me the strength to make it through – but also restored my children, giving them great joy and the energy needed to complete their days. It also kept them…and me…from going bats**t crazy.
I realize now that it’s left us, naptime was under appreciated, and for that I will be always be sorry. Sorry I never fully cherished it and actually partook in a nap. If naptime ever returns, we will always give thanks, and fully embrace each second together.
You may be gone …but never forgotten.
What is your favorite part of naptime?
Kristen Hewitt
Kristen Hewitt is a Producer for Fox Sports Florida, and a Feature Reporter for the Emmy award winning Miami HEAT broadcasts on Sun Sports. She also writes a blog, which chronicles her passion for sports and the misadventures of mommy hood. Kristen’s favorite job though is raising her two girls Lila & Emylia. She tries to teach them to live every day with grace, gratitude, love...and a lot of laughs!
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