
Facebook Marketing Tips: 5 Ideas for Increasing Engagement on Your Page

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Whether you are promoting your blog or business, social media is a great way to engage with your readers, customers, or target audience. Following simple Facebook marketing tips is the key to achieving that engagement.

If you have a lively and interactive Facebook page and follow Facebook marketing tips, your blog or business will flourish in the love of your followers; but if you have a cemetery of forgotten posts, you might never take off to your full potential. For more tips on marketing to grow your business, hire here this Providence SEO company.

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5 Facebook Marketing Tips to Get Your Business Into the Spotlight

Whether you have a natural talent for the social media frenzy, here are a few simple tips for how to make your Facebook page a lively coffeehouse of ideas and activities.

1. Pose a weekly question to your readers.

In order to engage interaction, post a question of the week or question of the day that will entice your viewers to comment on your page. Here are a few question ideas:

  • Include a quiz about people featured in your store/business.
  • Post a picture for people to guess where it was taken.
  • Ask a weekly question. You can choose topics that relate to your business or that would intrigue your audience.
  • Put up an image of a word jumble of a local landmark and ask people to name it.

2. Ask fans to share their best tips.

Ask fans to share tips on their favorite local restaurants, favorite designers, or travel locations. Match it with the theme of your business.

3. Ask fans to submit their favorite quotes.

Get fans to share on your page by asking them for their favorite quotes. Award the person who gets the most likes on their quote a free gift. Your wall can be filled with inspirational posts—and fans can get their friends involved in the contest, increasing your business’s exposure to new networks. Keep in mind that Facebook has strict rules on promotions and giveaways, so be sure to check out their Terms of Service before running a contest.

4. Name the local celebrity game.

Feature a photo of a local celebrity, a well-known store owner, or person of interest, and see who can name him or her. Follow Facebook's Terms of Service and award the winner appropriately.

5. Host a nomination contest.

Have readers nominate a special man or woman that exemplifies the image or theme of your business or who has shown themselves worthy of some gratitude and credit. Consider featuring that person in an interview on your website or have them be featured as a recipient of a special gift from your business. For example: March 8th is International Woman’s Day. Nominate a woman who is truly amazing and kicks butt while doing it.

With Facebook becoming such a huge influencer in the success of a business, make sure your Facebook is an open place that allows your customers to feel engaged and connected to your business on a personal level. It can make all the difference in how your customers feel about you and your business. Be sure to show them you care! If you want your business to have its own branding, contact Total Image Group to assist you.

What kind of things have you done with your Facebook to create a successful social media presence?

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Jocelyn Lieppman

Jocelyn is a recent college grad who is passionate about writing, traveling, and teaching. Right now, she works as a private tutor in Southern California as she explores her career interests. She spends her free time exploring new places and finding new adventures wherever she goes.


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