
Review: How to Feel Good With Halsa Wellness Mat


I’ve always been fascinated with natural health and have spent the last decade studying various ways to eat healthy and manage pain as natural as possible. I’ve usually try to aim for natural therapies to soothe pain before turning to pain medicine.

This belief came from my research in the natural health arena and led me to follow the principles of Naturopathy. Naturopathic principles recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, the importance of prevention, lifestyle changes and natural therapies and therapeutic use of nutrition to promote health and fight disease.

Since my natural health journey, I’ve been following the naturopathy philosophy in which I am always intrigued by how natural therapies can often relieve common ailments.

I was recently introduced to the halsa wellness mat, which fits right along with my belief in using natural alternative pain medicine in addition to muscle tension, headaches or back pain. The halsa wellness mat goes back to India approximately 5000 years and was used to release physical, mental and emotional blocks by fakirs and yogis.

The halsa wellness offers the experience of acupressure from home. With its 8,820 spikes, the halsa wellness mat works to stimulate the body’s pressure points, releasing endorphins and oxytocin which are known as “feel good hormones.” Oxytocin is also released when women get together with their girlfriends, during exercise, nurturing (as in tending to your children), and during states of euphoria.

If you have close girlfriends, you know how amazing it is to kick back with your them after busy or stressful week. The halsa wellness mat is known to release these very same hormones.

I couldn’t wait to use the halsa wellness mat and it arrived at the perfect time. From the time I was a teenager, I dreaded that time of the month. My menstrual symptoms were so usually so severe that I would normally be doubled over on the couch or in bed for the entire day.

Over the years, I’ve researched and discovered natural ways to deal with the pain. As an adult I still experience these awful symptoms periodically, as I did recently. I woke up to my monthly friend and, as usual, refused to take pain relievers and instead had the opportunity to use the halsa wellness mat for the first time.

Let’s say, I fell back asleep and woke up four hours later refreshed and free from that awful pain that comes with that time of the month. The spikes look a little scarier than they feel. It’s actually quite soothing, especially if you’re used to getting acupressure.

For me, this is a breakthrough in natural therapy in dealing with my own personal symptoms and how I choose to manage pain. I have been using it several times a week when I feel like de-stressing after a long day. Who doesn’t want to release “feel good hormones” naturally?

I’m grateful for modern medicine and drugs made available to relieve pain for many. But for those like myself who prefer natural, drug free pain-management when possible, this is a genius invention.

Watch this short video introducing how the halsa wellness mat works:

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 What exercise methods have you tried that have helped you de-stress and relax?

Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purpose only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses. Please consult with your physician prior to making any changes to your health.

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