Handmade: Exercising Your Creativity Through Craft Projects


Handmade—Which camp are you in: the crafters or non-crafters? So many people consider themselves of one sort or the other, either creative or not. Able to craft humongous projects in one afternoon, or creatively dead as a doorknob. I, for one, truly believe that all of us are creative geniuses; we just have different ways in which we express our creativity.

Regardless of whether you’re crafty or not, doing crafts with family or friends is a proven way to connect with others, make memories, and forge deeper bonds, especially with your children. @marybethhunt says it best: "To you young crafters/homemakers/moms, time passes so quickly. Craft and cook WITH those kids.”

At a MomItForward Twitter Girls Night Out (#gno)  in July sponsored by The Creative Connection, tweeters discussed fun ways in which they have connected with others over crafts, and ways that they have gotten ideas for those crafts. Here are 10 ideas for connecting with crafts: five project ideas and five online resources.

5 Unique Craft Project Ideas

  • @prairiemama says her kids “adore getting butcher paper outside and painting it. It's hood dirty fun!”
  • @laurensgoodies loves “making t-shirt blankets out of everything outgrown/worn out/out of favor!!”
  • @leighbra says “We LOVE to make homemade soap for gifts. It's inexpensive and we can control the ingredients.”
  • @mamalode says, “I love crafting with my sons-- we have made a didgeridoo, numchucks, cardboard tanks, castles, and endless costumes. So much fun!”
  • @housewifestacy says “I like to play cupcake wars with my kids. I have fun recipes on my blog."

Top 5 Online Resources:

  1. If you need help getting ideas, tweeters like @travelingpumper highly recommended Pinterest.
  2. Etsy is a site where you can buy hand-made projects, for those of you who truly don’t feel crafty but like having hand-made décor, jewelry, etc. @wherewomencook and MANY others raved about this site.
  3. So many great blogs were suggested, they can’t all be listed here, but here are a few of the most raved about: TipJunkie.com, PaigeHill.Blogspot.com, Megan Duerkson's Whatever blog, and TaterTotsandJello.blogspot.com.
  4. Says @annekuolukito, “As a knitting designer, my go-to place for research and resources is @ravelry.”
  5. Magazines, both online and in print: @bigguysmama swears by CreatingKeepsakes, as do I.  Saponifier magazine and The Soap Making Forum are great soapmaking resources, says @sacredsuds.

Whether you’re “creative” or not, there are many ways to connect with loved ones over crafts.

Do you consider yourself to be crafty? Do you like to create craft projects? What craft projects do you love to do by yourself and/or with your kids?

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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