Healthy Holidays: Tips to Staying Energized and Feeling Great

mommeal time

As a health coach for moms, how do I personally stay energized and feeling great throughout the holidays?

First , I eat REAL food. Instead of ‘saving up’ my daily calorie intake for the big dinner or party, I focus on eating nutrient dense, REAL food throughout the day – especially at breakfast.

My body needs to be supplied with nutrients throughout the day, otherwise it isn’t going to function well – that could mean fatigue, cravings, weight gain, lower immunity, etc. So, during this stressful time, it’s even more important to give my body the fuel it needs to carry you through all the fun. Okay, it’s not all fun, but when I am feeling well, everything’s more definitely more fun.

So, I plan out my meals and snacks for myself every day. I make sure to include good quality proteins and fats – grass-fed meats and dairy, wild fish, olive oil, avocado, pastured eggs – along with lots of colorful carbohydrates. Grains are not very colorful – even if they are whole. Instead I focus on legumes, veggies and low-glycemic fruits with each snack and meal.

Second, I drink lots of pure water every day. In fact, I don’t drink anything else most days. Relying on caffeine-filled drinks throws my body more out of balance, while water helps me stay on track with my health goals. If I need something more, I add fruit to my water and let it sit overnight or I drink organic herbal teas without caffeine. A few drops of Stevia or honey give me the sweetness I need sometimes.

Third, I move every day. Sometimes it’s a rigorous work out like a boot-camp class, but more often it’s a brisk walk/run with my dog and some stretching. Boy, do I notice a dip in my mood and energy when I choose not to schedule in some exercise.

Fourth, I work hard to get 7 hours of sleep each night at least. It can be tough to stop ‘doing’ and put yourself to bed. That time after the kids have gone to bed and my husband is reading or watching TV is like gold – how could I possibly just go to bed and not wrap presents, mail out cards, bake cookies? We just have to prioritize our health. What motivates me is that I feel so much better during the day when I am rested. I am a better mom, friend, daughter, spouse. I like myself better when I am rested!

Fifth, I enjoy friends, family and food during all the dinners and parties that come along with this season. Since I am well-nourished, I don’t find myself craving much at the parties and can enjoy the party food I choose. I can also fully enjoy the people I am with and be grateful for their presence.

What are some of the ways you keep yourself energized and feeling great throughout this holiday season?

Angelle Batten, MA, HHC loves REAL food. She’s a teacher, a Holistic Health Coach and a mom of 3 very Adventurous Eaters. She loves working with Dr. Sue, a holistic pediatrician, and together they share their REAL (and not always pretty) journey at as they feed their children REAL food everyday and solve health problems holistically. She loves helping moms like you do the same. @NourishMD has a Real Food for the Holidays e-Book - whether you're serving up the main dish, bringing a side to Aunt Carol's, or in charge of desserts, this eCookbook has you covered!

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