Home Management: A Place for Everything and Everything In Its Place

momhome management

Home management....ahh...now that's a buzz word for what we like to call "organized chaos," right? As women, this is something that is most likely at the forefront of our minds as we do our best to keep things running smoothly and effectively.

As busy moms and business owners, we know this dilemma all too well. With some bad days, and many good, keeping order oftentimes requires ingenuity!

4 Tips to Effective Home Management

Today, we'd like to share just a few ideas that each of us do in our homes.

1. Use hanging-over-the-door-shoe-pockets. We love to hang these in our entryway closets during the winter as a way of organizing all those mittens, gloves, scarves, hats...you name it! It's so very easy to do and as the saying goes, "A place for everything and everything in its place."  These over-the-door shoe organizers are also great for toys!

2. Keep a 3-ring binder for all of your different children's activities. This is a great way to keep all those extra papers in one space. It's the "go-to" for any school information, class syllabuses, sports schedules, and more.

3. Create homework boards. Here's a great idea we picked up from our friends over at Family Fun. With our own twist on it, we were able to have each of our children create their own "homework centers".  Children having their own space truly does wonders. We purchased the 3-sided boards at the store and let the kids "go to town" on them! With markers, crayons, glue, and stickers, they each made something they were very proud of. We also purchased a thin sheet of corkboard for the homework centers from our local office supply store. Now there is a place to leave them notes with a thumbtack such as, "Don't forget you have piano lessons today at 2:45!" or "Thanks for the big hug this morning!"

4. Get creative with charts. We took the homework board idea a step further and made up 2 lists on the computer that they change out each month. One list is their "to-do" list so they can check off each item as they go. The other list is a small chart in which they get a sticker each day they complete the entire to-do list. Once that chart is filled up, a special treat will be in store. A plastic ruler hangs down from a small hook. An envelope at the bottom of their boards holds the flashcards they are currently working on.

A sense of "privacy" has seemed to really help them focus on what is in front of them, rather than noticing the silly face that little brother or sister is making across the table!

These are just a few really simple, yet effective ideas. We'd love to hear what you do!

How do you keep everything running smoothly in your homes?

Twin sisters and avid DIY'ers, Kim and Kris love the creative process.  In 2006, Kim started the popular DIY website, www.YouCanMakeThis.com. Two years later, Kris began managing the 2nd “sister site”, www.SWAKembroidery.com.
This year, the duo have launched their own weekly webshow, The DIY Dish. Whether it be sewing, crafting, scrapbooking, quilting, embroidery, family projects, and more, you’ll enjoy watching at www.theDIYdish.com!
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