Mother’s Day Flower Print Collage
I’m a saver. As a mom, I save as much of my son’s youth as I can. This collage includes art projects, returned homework, report cards (before they went completely digital) and random t-shirts. With three drawers full of every t-ball, baseball, soccer, swimming, school picnic and vacation spot t-shirt that he’s ever gotten, I decided that something had to be done to cut the clutter. Here’s where the Mother’s Day project comes in. While I don’t recommend chopping up the most sentimental pieces form your collection (e.g., the first receiving blanket should stay intact), you can pull a few pieces for this artsy activity. Reuse some of those old clothes that your kiddo can’t fit into and turn them into a flower-powered Mother’s Day collage!
Mother's Day Flower Print Collage
Items Needed:
- Fabric from your child’s old washed clothing (choose a few pieces that are memorable, such as his first day of school shirt).
- Poster board paper
- Clear drying school glue
- Tempera paints
- Paper plate
- Kids’ safety scissors
- Flower heads
- A pencil
- After choosing at least two different fabric sources, help your child to cut shaped pieces. Cut out circles, triangles, squares, rectangles or free-formed shapes. Each shape should be roughly the size of a golf ball.
- Pour pools of tempera paint onto a paper plate (or use the top of a plastic-ware container). Pick at least two colors – but, you can chose more.
- Dip a flower head into one paint color, coating the top of it with a color. You can choose a flower that your little artist wants to use, but dandelions are an abundant source of plant-life that creates a highly textured print. As a bonus, you’re riding the yard of at least a few of these weeds.
- Press the paint-covered flower head onto a cut fabric piece. Repeat with different colors for different pieces of fabric.
- Have your child draw the word “MOM” onto the poster board with a pencil.
- Dot the letters with glue. Press the flower print fabric onto the glue to create a collage-like effect.
What are you giving your mother for Mother's Day this year?
Erica Loop is a mom, arts educator, freelance writer and blogger at Mini Monets and Mommies as well as Please Shut Up, I’m Thinking. Follower her on twitter @EricaLoop1, on Google+, on Pinterest or at Mini Monets and Mommies on Facebook.
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- Mother’s Day Flower Print Collage - May 5, 2014