Moving: 10 Tips to Help You With Your Move
Home Management—Moving can be tiring, stressful, and hectic. Packing up everything you own in an orderly fashion while trying to get rid of unneeded items all in a timely manner really starts to wear you down. Plus, you need to figure out how to get it all to your new place, what you’re going to pack it in, and who’s going to help. Moving, though, can also be an exciting new start, a new adventure in a new place with new memories. You get to start over with everything from decorating to the new neighbors. To make your move seamless and stress-free, you may seek Relocation assistance services. And if you need temperature controlled logistics, make sure to contact a temperature controlled courier in London.
Many of our Tweeters at a recent MomItForward Twitter #gno party sponsored by Apartment Guide have moved multiple times and shared what they have learned from their experiences to make your move easier before, during, and after the move.
10 Tips to Make Your Move a Breeze
- Plan ahead. Time management can be stressful. Start early and make lists of everything you need to do. @marilola33 told Tweeters not to forget anything, to plan ahead, be patient, and stay calm. She also reminded us that sometimes nothing is better than taking a little break or getting a massage.
- Use sturdy boxes that will keep your belongings more secure and won’t fall apart during the move. @kancitygirl said she likes the plastic storage containers with locking lids because they are rain resistant, durable, and stack when you don’t need them.
- Pack according to room. @kancitygirl, along with many of our other Tweeters, said she packs according to room and then unloads to each specific room, which makes it easy to set it up again. @abbebrown takes a picture of the inside of the box before it’s closed and numbers it along with the room. You can also make detailed content lists like @SewIntoEwe so there are no mystery boxes.
- Label your boxes!!! Many of our Tweeters agree that it’s the best way to stay organized and make your move a lot easier. “I did not do it one time and I moved everything around at least twice,” @tdmoore62 said. @KatieBe_NC gave the tip to make sure you cross out old labels if you’re reusing boxes. During her last move, her suits ended up in the shed because they were labeled “garden”! Another suggestion was given by @SylkoZakur to clearly label boxes beyond room names such as “kitchen-pots” and to put the labels on both or all sides of the box so you don’t need to rotate it to see where it goes.
- If you don’t use it, don’t pack it. @MommyofB learned to get rid of old unused stuff and to pack as lightly as possible. If you don’t use it, there is no reason to take the time to pack it up and haul it across the country. “I've learned to not be so attached to everything I own and be ready to part with things,” @kancitygirl said. A tip from @ModernStyleMama and other Tweeters is if you haven’t opened the box after several months or if the box hasn’t been opened from the last move, you don’t need it, give it away.
- Give your things away. Throw a major throw-away or donate party before the move, so you don’t pack up things you don’t even want. @sweetmatcha suggested a garage sale. There are also charity trucks that come by a few days before you leave for unwanted furniture, according to @KatieBe_NC. Tweeters suggested Goodwill and Salvation Army.
- Wrap like crazy! You don’t want anything broken in the move. @dreamfishing learned the hard way and suggested packing lighter and using sheets and towels to wrap breakables in. @SylkoZakur added the use of blankets to pad boxes and wrap TV’s. Take a look at these seven can’t-live-without tips for packing your moving truck from @aptguide.
- Have a go-to box with necessary items that you will need quickly. @_lizzy_ suggested a box with toilet paper, scissors, paper towels, drinking cups, and other immediate needs. @7onashoestring suggested having an “open me first” box.
- Get to know the neighbors. “I bake goodies for neighbors, who are a great resource for local info, and friendly faces rock!” said @SewIntoEwe. @KatieBe_NC suggests making calling cards with your family’s names, kid’s ages, and contact information to give to neighbors. @prizepuzzle recommends community events to get to know your neighbors. @aptguide shared ideas for finding the right neighborhood for you as well as a gift guide for unique housewarming gifts.
- Make yourself at home. Set up your new space quickly with tips from @aptguide. Discover new parts of the city, new restaurants, grocery stores, and parks by walking, @marilola33 suggested. And don’t forget to practice driving to the local ER before you have to do it for real, a tip from @KatieBe_NC.
As you prepare for the move ahead, do so with a clear mind and self-assurance that you can do this in an organized fashion. Keep your cool while packing up and remember to lessen your load by getting rid of unneeded items. When all is said and done, enjoy your new home and all the adventures that come along with it!
Do you have any great moving tips? What do you wish you had done in your last move?
Feature photo courtesy of Flickr
Cambria VandeMerwe
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