Show the Love on Twitter and ReTweet!
me • biz, tech, & social media
What is ReTweeting?
ReTweeting means you come across a Twitter post of interest from someone other than yourself and you like it so much that you share it with your Twitter community. "To help share cool ideas via Twitter and to give a shout-out to people you respect, you can repost their messages and give them credit. People call that retweeting (or RT)." I call this Sharing the Love!
Twitter Home Stream
New Twitter users may be confused right now. Well, what you are reading when you log into Twitter or when you hit HOME at the top is called your Home Stream. This is information from all of the people listed under FOLLOWING. You have chosen to follow these people, which means that their tweets and content show up in your HOME stream. Only YOU can see all of these tweets. This is personal and specific to just you and seen only by you. If you would like to share a tweet with your Twitter community [all the people that are your FOLLOWERS], then you need to RETWEET it so it shows up in THEIR Twitter Home Stream. Clear as mud now?
Why ReTweet?
"ReTweeting is common, and it’s a form of conversation on Twitter. It’s also a powerful way to spread messages and ideas across Twitter quickly. So when you do it, you’re engaging in a way people recognize and usually like—making it a good way to connect." ReTweeting allows you to provide valuable information that is of interest to your community from someone other than yourself. The very nature of Twitter is all about promoting other people and paying it forward. Twitter is such a collaborative community that it's users started this whole ReTweeting process. The users of Twitter wanted to come up with a way to share and promote others.
When speaking and teaching about social media and Twitter, I often say "ReTweeting Makes the Twitter World Go 'Round". ReTweeting changes the whole Twitter environment from a flat 2-way communication to a round three dimensional synergistic environment. Better than just comment back "Great Article Melissa!" is for you to ReTweet that article to your community. It is sharing great information with your community, and it is also promoting and introducing someone else to your community that they may want to get to know.
What do I ReTweet?
Quotes, Bits of Humor, Great Ideas, Advice, Great Articles, Interesting Stories, Helpful Information for my Twitter Community. I love a good laugh to share with moms about crazy days with our kids and the adorable things they say or do. I love things I can relate to like being home for today with all my children and husband for the 3rd snow day in a row with 4 feet of snow and it's still coming down. I love sharing stories about other mom entrepreneurs - especially ones with valuable information and advice. I love to share interesting, entertaining, and valuable information, plus I love to promote great social causes and great things that people in my twitter community are doing!
Show the Love and ReTweet Today! Make it a habit to ReTweet every day on Twitter. I never go a day without sharing and promoting others! Join me in making The Twitter World Go 'Round!
SOURCES quoted in this article and great RESOURCES for more information about Twitter:
[from Twitter's User Guide:]
[from Mashable's Twitter ReTweet Guide:]
MELISSA LIERMAN loves Twitter and is called the Twitter Wonder Woman! She travels across the United States and Canada speaking and training on Social Media. She specializes in doing workshops on Twitter - anywhere from 3 hours to a full day. Melissa used to be a Twitter Qwitter and now 18 months after coming back to Twitter she has found it to be THE single most powerful and wonderful place for making friends, meeting moms, and connecting with clients all over the world! Melissa is a night owl and you can often find her tweeting on twitter late into the night - send her a tweet and say hello
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