#gno information! • #gno featured • food
by Lynne Feifer on August 5th, 2023 | 1 Comment »
This Chicken Quinoa Casserole makes a great one-dish meal. It's healthy, delicious and has a light alfredo-type sauce that adds wonderful flavor to the dish. A great meal for those busy weeknights, it can be prepared ahead, covered and refrigerated, and then popped into the oven when everyone's ready for…
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food • meal plan
by Cambria VandeMerwe on March 12th, 2019 | 1 Comment »
Italian food is one of the most known cuisines in the world and acknowledged for its simplicity. From pasta to pizza, it becomes a common weekly dish in many households. For that very reason, we present to you a week’s assortment of Italian food recipes that will leave you packing…
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food • meal plan
by Mom It Forward on September 11th, 2018 | No Comments »
Meal Plan—Mom going out of town was always a big deal at my house growing up. It meant no chores and dad would order pizza. However, after three nights of pizza, even the pizza-loving kid can't do it anymore. Dad hasn't gone shopping and is in a bind. Looking…
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food • meal plan
by Cambria VandeMerwe on January 28th, 2013 | No Comments »
Throw everything together in a dish and there you have it. How easy is that? Casseroles are a great main dish that you can make in a hurry. They are also great for freezing so they’re ready at a moment’s notice. This week’s meal plan involves an assortment of different…
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