me • biz, tech, & social media
by Melissa Dawn Lierman on December 29th, 2010 | 5 Comments »
For my business, I review and help create Twitter Profiles, Blogs, and FaceBook Pages. I have noticed some recurring themes when looking at FaceBook business pages. There are some tweaks many pages could make to be more user friendly, make better connections, and make themselves more "like"able.
5 Ways to…
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me • biz, tech, & social media
by Christine Gallagher on December 1st, 2010 | 1 Comment »
We often associate travel with certain times of year, such as summer and Thanksgiving. However, travel is a niche that people look for information on all year round, and it’s one the more searched for (and therefore highly competitive) topics on the web.
With that in mind, how can YOUR…
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#gno information!
by Jyl Johnson Pattee on April 27th, 2009 | 1 Comment »
Want to stay in the know about Mom It Forward events? Interested in viewing or sharing current pictures or videos from the Mom It Forward community? Here's a few of the places you can connect with us online, besides on our website:
Chat anytime all day everyday in bite-sized…
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