
Setting Goals: Creating a Life List or a Bucket List

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This was first published in 2011 and we reshared because of the fabulous tips that are extremely relevant. I attended Camp Mighty this last year in Southern California for a fun retreat with fun and creative people. The camp was kicked off by doing a group service project for Charity

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Diet and Exercise: Apps to Keep Your Physical Fitness Resolutions

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What if a magic bullet existed that helped you keep your New Years resolutions? I, for one, would take it. How about you? Creating New Years resolutions is a great way to assess where you are at personally and professionally, make goals that will help you improve, and track…

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10 Goal Setting Tips to Help Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

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It’s a New Year. It’s A New Decade. It’s time to think about setting resolutions…or is it? Setting New Year’s resolutions may be a time-honored tradition but unfortunately making last-minute vows during a champagne toast isn’t an effective approach for this if one of the resolutions is to be healthy.…

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Motivation and Inspiration: 5 Ways to Focus on Your Goals

lifestylehobbies-me time

As we approach the New Year, resolutions are on the minds of many. Maybe you want to focus on healthy living in 2016? Or, maybe you want to focus on raising giving children? There's always the thought of working on your creativity by tapping into your craft side.…

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Resolutions: Apps to Keep Your Personal Wellness Goals


Have you ever made New Years resolutions that address your social and emotional health and well being? New Years resolutions lists often include goals about diet, exercise, and even budget. But things like strengthening relationships, traveling, or enjoying more cultural events don't seem to surface very often.

Setting and…

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