
Family Garden: How to Build a Strong Relationship with Your Child

parentinghome management

When I was a little girl, I would work with my grandmother in her garden on the south side of her house, learning how to pick cherry tomatoes and spy the worms that destroyed the tomato plants. She also had a flower garden, which included columbines and sunflowers. I would…

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Holiday Dinner: Family Harmony During Thanksgiving

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The Thanksgiving holiday brings families together for eating, reflecting, and having fun together. The women hang out in the kitchen, the men watch sports in the TV room, and the kids run through the house playing chase or hide and seek. As the final preparations are finished we gather around…

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Marriage 101: Getting Back to Basics to Strengthen Your Relationship


I don’t know if your parents are anything like mine, but when I got engaged to be married to my husband, they loaded me up with approximately eight pajillion marriage books. Don’t worry, they had already given me all the “child rearing” books years earlier. While overwhelming, all of…

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Relationships: How to Stay Close to Loved Ones at a Distance


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, could it be true? There are many changes in life that often pull us away from those we love most but that doesn’t mean our relationships with them need to dull. Love is stronger than anything else, even distance. With a little…

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Marriage: 3 Ideas To Keep the Romance Alive (That Always Work!)


If you have been a parent for any length of time, you understand how much time parenting takes. Before getting married and before having children, you and your spouse had almost unlimited time together. But that all changes once children come into the picture! One of the main issues with…

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