
Me Time: 5 New Year’s Resolutions to Consider Making

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As another year comes to an end, I have found myself reflecting on this past year and daydreaming about the new year that is coming. I love making lists (grocery, shopping, to-do, etc.), so writing down a list of resolutions every year is something I actually enjoy. Are you going…

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Finding a New Word for the New Year

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If you find it hard to set New Year's Resolutions, then perhaps finding a new word for the new year might be a better fit for you. Focusing on one word is a simplified version of setting goals and resolutions. All you do is find one word. I love…

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3 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Fitness Goals in 2014


2014 is here and we have all been thinking about resolutions, goals, or changes that we want to change or do in the new year. If you haven't, it's time to do it! The number one resolution that people make is health and fitness goals. I never make the…

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Resolutions: Apps to Keep Your Lifelong Learning Goals


How many of us get so caught up in the busy-ness of our daily lives that we don't make time for learning? After all, and if you're anything like me and my husband, you're relearning tons of stuff every time you help your kids with their homework anyway. How…

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Mobile App: How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

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Resolution App—How many of us have firmly declared that this year is the year we are going to spend more time with our kids, lose weight, eat healthier, start putting money aside, and live a happier life, but never make it past the second week of January? This…

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