
Organization: How to Get and Stay Organized

parentinghome management

I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. Strengths include compassion and wish to help others; weaknesses include feeling overwhelmed, "behind" and disorganized, mostly from information overload. Never mind that I am a world-class procrastinator. What I've tried to do in this year of my victory, is keep…

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Health: 9 Tips to Improve Your Family’s Health


Keeping your family healthy can be a difficult task to fit into your busy schedule. The thing is it doesn’t need to be a separate task. Helping your family eat healthy and stay active can and should be intertwined into your everyday tasks. We’ve talked about it before, but…

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Multi-tasking: Setting Boundaries and Routines

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Last week, I wrote a post about how moms need to get clear on their priorities and let go of the idea of "getting it all done." Several of you commented about how doing less can feel like more when you're doing the things most important to you. I totally…

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Shopping: How to Shift Your Perspective


A few weeks ago I read an excellent book “The Slight Edge” by Leo Weidner. It has caused me to make a lot of changes and do a lot of shifting in my life. One of his suggestions is to actually schedule weekly time with my kids. He suggested 20…

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Fitness: How Yoga Benefits the Busy Mom


It’s early but I’m running late. I’m trying to squeeze in a morning yoga class but my kids have other plans. They, too, think it’s a good idea to get up before 6 a.m. today. Thankfully, my husband is off from work and can take over. I get to yoga

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