
Strawberry Celebration: A Favorite Strawberry Mousse Recipe

foodsweet treats

Strawberry season is here, so now is the perfect time to try something new like this delicious strawberry mousse recipe. This may seem complicated, but really, it's not. As long as you can follow directions you should be fine. This flavor-packed strawberry mousse recipe is really a superstar and your…

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Spring Peach and Strawberry Cheerios Cobbler

mommeal time

I absolutely love spring. I love the freshness of it, the beauty, the new opportunities for growth it represents. New tree blossoms and the turning of our garden soil are what signal the new year for me, not the turn of the calendar. I tough winter out every year, and…

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Healthy Dessert: Quick and Easy Strawberry Trifle Recipe

foodsweet treats

Many children and adults enjoy dessert after dinner. Instead of saying "no" to a sweet treat, find something you are comfortable serving your family. There are many sweet foods that pack good nutrition too —fresh or frozen fruit, hot chocolate made with low-fat milk, peanut butter smeared on…

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