Spring Peach and Strawberry Cheerios Cobbler

mommeal time

I absolutely love spring. I love the freshness of it, the beauty, the new opportunities for growth it represents. New tree blossoms and the turning of our garden soil are what signal the new year for me, not the turn of the calendar. I tough winter out every year, and I ask myself why? Why don't I move to some coastal town where the seasons are the same year-round? Proximity to family aside, I stay in part because I know that spring wouldn't seem so wonderful if it weren't for the winter.

Now, because I'm a member of the Cheerios Blogger Circle, they asked me to come up with a recipe that incorporated both original Cheerios and spring. What came to mind was something that involved both warmth and coolness, the flavors of winter as evoked by brown sugar, and spring as evoked by fresh strawberries, with the natural taste of Cheerios tying them all together. Here's my Spring Peach and Strawberry Cheerios Cobbler:

Spring Peach & Strawberry Cheerios Cobbler


  • 1 21-oz. can peach pie filling
  • 3/4 c. original Cheerios
  • 4 - 5 tbsp. butter
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • 1/4 c. sliced almonds


Chop Cheerios in a food processor briefly, then cut in brown sugar and room-temperature butter just until its crumbly. Empty contents of peach pie filling can into a ceramic casserole dish. Top with Cheerios mixture. Bake in a 350° oven for 30 - 35 minutes. Remove from oven; cool. Top with whipped cream and fresh, sliced strawberries.

All amounts are approximate; feel free to add or take away as you see fit. This is an easy-to-whip-up dessert. Enjoy!

Disclosure: Cheerios provided the Cheerios, as well as a gift package, as thanks for writing this post.

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