family fun

8 Family Gratitude Projects

family funstrengthening family

Calling all gratitude journal dropouts! If you’ve ever started writing in a gratitude journal only to give up after a few weeks or months, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I’ve abandoned more journals than I care to admit. I always start with good intentions to count…

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eBook: 13 Gratitude Activities For Kids

family funactivities

I love the season between Halloween and Christmas. It always seems a little rushed as we prepare for the month of December, but I make it a point to slow down every year in November and focus on the things that I am grateful for. It not only makes me…

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Thanksgiving: Everything You Need for a Successful Thanksgiving

family funfamily fun-traditions

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and there are lots of things to do before it gets here. Here are some ideas to make sure every aspect of your Thanksgiving holiday is taken care of. Everything You Need for a Successful Thanksgiving

1. Decorations

Looking for a simple and beautiful…

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Relationships: How To Create New Holiday Traditions With Your Family

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Christmas traditions are an important part of the holiday season. Sometimes we get so entrenched in the same traditions year after year that we forget to let others create new traditions with us. I'm guilty of this for sure. Mom's love to run the show. We make sure the tree…

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Thanksgiving: Meal Time and Family Traditions

mommeal timefamily funfamily fun-traditions

I always love hearing about how families celebrate Thanksgiving. Activities, food, and traditions can differ vastly from family to family. I am the oldest of six children. And, I have more than 20 cousins on each side of the family. When we used to live closer together, our Thanksgiving day

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