
Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow

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Houseplants are a wonderful addition to any home. Not only do they look pretty, they also help keep your indoor air clear - a very important consideration especially at this time of year when windows remain closed due to cold weather. These make great house-warming gifts for gardeners and can be a great next step for those who want to move beyond a simple succulent centerpiece.

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow

Based on my experience with houseplants, and from scouring the internet, I've come up with a list of 12 of the easiest houseplants you can grow. I've divided them into two categories. The first category includes the most low maintenance plants - the ones that tolerate the most abuse and neglect and somehow keep on living. I've owned most of these myself. They will die if their abuse and neglects continues indefinitely, but for the most part, they are really easy to grow.

The plants in the second group are also easy to grow, but they like a little more consistent care. While they tend to tolerate a lot of different light conditions, they do prefer to be kept evenly watered. I've also included a couple plants in the second group that you have characteristics you'll want to know about before deciding to buy.

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow 

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow - Low Maintenance Plants like Dracaena Marginata

Lowest Maintenance Plants

1. Dracaena Marginata - I love the way this plant looks. It's so pretty. It's great for low-light spaces and is durable and easy to care for. And it will forgive you if you forget to water it.

2. Aloe - Not only is aloe easy to take care of, I love it because it's medicinal as well. We love to smear fresh aloes on sun burns, when we accidentally get them. Aloe grows well in a variety of light conditions and tolerates people who forget to water it.

3. Jade Plant - Low water plant, great for people who forget to water! Jade plants do like lots of light though, so find a sunny window to place it near.

4. Snake Plant - This plant is supposed to be nearly indestructible so if you have really bad luck with houseplants, this might be the one for you! Let the soil completely dry between waterings on this low-light tolerant beauty.

5. Rubber Plant - Rubber plants are also very forgiving plants that tolerate sporadic watering and different levels of light. They're a pretty, and tall plant that will add beauty to you house.

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow - Pothos
6. Pothos - I have had the same pothos plant for years, and I can attest that this plant will not die. I forget to water it for long periods of time and it keeps on hanging on. Of course, it does much better if you water it, but I have not been able to kill this plant - despite killing off almost every other plant we've owned.

7. Spider Plant - This is another hanging plant that's very easy to take care of. I love spider plants because they grow little babies that are easy to propate and turn into new plants. Spider plants are also tolerant of sporadic watering and will do well in a low light environment.

8. Cast Iron Plant - I love this one because it thrives on neglect. You can forget to water it and it will do just fine, as long as you eventually get back around to it. It's another plant that does well in low-light too.

Lovely Plants but Require More Consideration

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow - Peace Lily
9. Peace Lily - This plant will thrive in low light, but if you want it to flower, it needs adequate light. It's a very forgiving plant that will come back if you periodically forget to water it. A word of caution - the Peace Lily is poisonous, though, so if you have small children or pets who enjoy chewing on your plants, the Peace Lily may not be for you. Visit to Lean More about plants especially water plants.

Top 12 Easy Houseplants You Can't Kill - Dieffenbachia

10. Dieffenbachia- This plant has very pretty leaves. It does well in low to medium light, but it does need to be kept evenly moist so don't forget to water this plant.

11. African Violet - These plants are easy to keep alive if you leave them alone. They'll do well in a low light environment but are a little pickier about how they're watered as they don't like to get wet and don't want to be overly saturated. They key to African Violets is to find them a nice spot and then don't move them as the acclimate to their area and don't tolerate being moved that well.

Top 12 Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow - cactus

12. Catci - We can't forget about the lovely cactus. There are lots of varities of cacti - some very prickly and some not so prickly. My kids know not to touch the tiny cacti we have and so the spines don't pose a problem at my house, but do take the spines into consideration before deciding on cacti. The key to growing catci well is choosing the right soil and making sure it drains properly.

Do you have a favorite no-fail houseplant? I'd love to hear your low maintenance houseplant suggestions!

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I’m Michelle and I blog over at Simplify, Live, Love. I live in rural Eastern Iowa with my husband, 4 kiddos, 17 chickens 3 rabbits, 1 dog, AND a cat. We are self employed crazies trying to balance it all and live sustainably at the same time. In addition to blogging, I garden, can, homeschool, and teach online community college classes too! Hop on over for more on our crazy life in Eastern Iowa.

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