
Top 4 Photography Tips

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Taking an inspiring photo is something everyone can do!   I know the bulky manual that came with your camera can be absolutely overwhelming to some people, so I recommend starting simple.  Follow this advice and you will find yourself happily looking in the manual for specific answers to questions you come across after you’ve taken some wonderful photos.

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Top 4 Photography Tips

Here are 4 tips to rock your photography

1. Keep your camera out - Most of the time, my favorite shots come from every day moments.  It may be when my daughter is playing piano, or it might be when I look up at the kitchen sink and notice a hummingbird outside at the feeder.  I leave my camera on a bench in our kitchen so that I can grab it whenever inspiration finds me.  I keep my battery charged and a memory card in my camera all the time.  If I had to find the battery and a memory card every time, I would probably miss those moments. Take a second and think of a perfect spot in your home to give your camera a home.  By the front door?  On a kitchen counter?

2. Take a deep breath and count to three - This tip is something I struggle with the most.  I pick up my camera because I am excited!  So, then, I just start shooting pictures right away. I force myself to slow down.  Look at the background.  Is there a garden hose running through a great shot?  Is there a tree growing out of my son’s head when he is throwing the football around?  Usually, just a few steps to the right or left take care of everything and makes a much more beautiful shot.

3. Focus on your subject, then click - What are you taking a picture of?  What is the camera trying to take a picture of?  Sometimes, our cameras have a mind of their own.  Be sure that you have whispered to your camera what YOU want to capture!   Focus on that, then click!

4. Get high, get low - One of my favorite things to do is to take three different series of shots in a row.  If I find my youngest playing with cars, I will first take a picture of exactly what I see.  Then, I will walk up and take a picture looking over the top of his head.  Then, I will sit on the ground with him and take shots of his fingers and toes.   You’ll be amazed how much fun it is taking the same scene from different perspectives.

 What tips do you have for taking a great looking picture?

Kate is a photographer, enjoys the art of handwritten correspondence and may break out into musical numbers at any time. She loves Jesus, her family and her chai tea latte. She looks for beauty everywhere. Kate blogs at Songs Kate Sang and shares photography tips at Create+Focus.  She would love for you to stop by!

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