family fun

Strengthening Family: Becoming a Super Hero Family Series

family funstrengthening family relationships

Super heroes are strong. They know where they are heading, what their purpose is, what they need to do to accomplish their goals, and what their priorities are. Additionally, they know their role, are keenly aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and focus on maximizing their strengths to accomplish their goals. The greatest super heroes focus on doing good and reach outside themselves to lift others. By using their super powers for good, super heroes leave a positive mark on the world.

Super Hero Family: The Road Map

The good news is that super heroes aren’t just individuals. Families can be super heroes too. In fact, a super hero family is the strongest of all super heroes when you take into consideration a family’s potential collective influence.

The purpose of the Becoming a Super Hero Family series (made up of 12 eBooks, 15 blog posts, 13 Google Hangouts, and content presented at the Family Forward Retreat) is to help your family become a super hero family by unlocking 11 super powers inherent to all families.


Super Hero Family eBooks

In the Becoming a Super Hero Family series, you will find 12 eBooks. Each eBook has solid tips for strengthening your family, family activity ideas, and useful printables to help you reach your goals. To find out more about each of these eBooks, click "here".

Check Out Our Google+ Hangouts on YouTube

Our Google+ hangouts with our panel of experts, dive deeper into the 12 super powers that will help your family become a super hero family. Watch them on the Mom It Forward YouTube page here. 

What are you doing to make your family a super hero family?


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