
Outdoor Activities: How to Make Water Sports Good for Your Health

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Outdoor Activities: Basic Water Safety Rules to Live By

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You don’t need to question if water mishaps take place, because they do. All you have to do is check out the local papers or media to see that injuries happen every day, particularly as we spend more time outside and get closer to summer. The fact that you or…

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Me Time: How To Develop Positive Self-Care Habits

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Me TimeTime for the whole me? The better question to ask yourself is: how do I NOT have time for the whole me? Wellness is a time investment. I know what you are thinking! “But I have four children, a husband, a job, a business, social obligations, and…

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Healthy Lifestyle: Steps for a Longer and Healthier Life

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Shave 15 Minutes off Your Morning Routine

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With a few simple changes you can shave 15 minutes off your morning routine. If you're rushing around trying to gulp down your coffee in between telling the kids to eat their breakfast and find their shoes there are a few quick changes you can make to get through the…

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Event Planning: How to Plan a Party on a Budget

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The first time I planned and hosted my own party it was kind of a disaster. Well, maybe not a complete disaster but when people started arriving I was still scrambling to put out food. I failed to give myself enough time to finish getting "put together" and some…

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