
Design Conference: Alt Summit Inspires Creativity and Friendship

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There are so many different types of conferences throughout the year that bring bloggers together in real life. These conferences not only allow you to network, but they also help to build friendships with people who have the same interests as you.

I recently attended the Alt Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was surrounded by some of the most creative people I have ever met. Each of us were inspired by panelists, keynote speakers, and the hands-on workshops.

What I Learned at the Alt Summit

Takeaways From the Panelists

  • In the "Kickstarting Your Next Project" session, @lisacongdon talked about her collection a day project. She encouraged each of us to find something we are passionate about and find a way to showcase it. Lisa, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you rocked this presentation.
  • The "How to Create Great DIY Tutorials" session was led by @makeandtakes, @notmartha, and @creaturecomfort. These gals shared some great tips on how to lay out a great tutorial. They also talked about how to make your pictures look like the professionals. Everyone should own a foam core board. Put the board opposite of where the light source is coming in and instantly your photos will look better. Save photos in a high resolution format. If your photos get picked for a magazine or article, your photos will have to be good quality. Every one of these girls are so talented. I feel so lucky to have been in your class.
  • All of us were inspired by Ben Silbeman, the founder of Pinterest. He said, "If you don't bet on yourself, nobody else will."
  • Gretchen Ruben, author of The Happiness Project, spoke about being happy. Gretchen said, "One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy." Gretchen is a "real" woman. She has concerns about being a good parent and finding balance in her life. Gretchen, if you're reading this, I loved your presentations. Thank you for inspiring me.
  • JasmineStar in the "Building a Personal Brand" session said, "Take what you have and make it work for you." Jasmine's energy was infectious. She decided to go for her dreams a few years ago and is now voted one of the Top 10 Wedding Photographers by American Photo Magazine.

Friday Night Suite Parties

Some of the highlights of the evening were the beautifully decorated suites, the delicious food, and hanging out with new friends. @alihenrie, @simplefamadvent,  @foodnouveau@emilyblogfairy, and @maggiemight  are some of the new friends I made at the conference. It was also fun to connect with @alisonlewis and @greeblemonkey at breakfast, as well as @rachel, @aztalamantez, and @susanw during the conference.

I loved the @pinholepress & @theGWGshow Night in Paris room. Ladies, if you're reading this, your suite rocked this party. I also loved the @Wilsonart "A Summer Afternoon" suite. The dress in the above picture was made out of laminate counter top surfacing. I also wanted to give a shout out to @minted for hosting our pre-event dinner party at Flemings Prime Steakhouse at the Gateway. The food was delicious and the company was even better. This was the perfect way to start the #AltSummit conference.

Breakout Rooms

I loved the cute gift that @cottonelle gave all of us. Never again will we have to use the crocheted TP covers that our grandmothers made. Now we have this cute plastic container. @minted shared many of their fun paper products and @hp had a fun photo booth where we could take fun winter photos.

Hands-on Workshop

My favorite workshop was no doubt the Photo Walk with Tracey Clark. It rained during our photo shoot but that didn't dampen the mood of our walk. It was fun to be in a group that is passionate about taking pictures, learning new tips and tricks, and open to making new friends. In our shoot, we enjoyed using shadows, lighting, and reflections to our advantage. Who knew that taking a picture of a puddle could be so interesting. You have a great eye, Tracey!

Alt Summit was a fabulous conference. If you are looking to be inspired, make sure you come next year. It is definitely one conference you don't want to miss.

What are you doing to improve your talents and skills? What are some of your favorite conferences?

Photo walk picture courtesy of Tracey Clark.

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