
Five Ways to Have a Successful Black Friday Shopping Experience

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Diehard Black Friday shoppers know months in advance where they will shop, how much they will spend and what they will buy. Newbies to this game may need a little help navigating the parking lots, the stores, the discounts and, at times, staying awake during the wee morning hours. This guide can help. Here are five ways to have a successful Black Friday shopping experience so you can get the most for your money and your time.

Black Friday

Black Friday Shopping

Here are 5 ways to have a successful Black Friday shopping experience:


1. Stake Out the Sales in Advance

It used to be that Black Friday circulars were distributed a few weeks before Thanksgiving. However, with the holiday shopping season starting as early as October, many retailers are releasing the Black Friday ads sooner instead of later. Visit the stores where you plan to shop and get an idea of their floor plans and lighted parking spaces. Find out when the Black Friday ads are being published and how to get your hands on them.

Be diligent, especially online. Many retailers are updating their social networking statuses to include Black Friday information. Get on email lists for deal-of-the-day websites, as well as retailers that send holiday shopping specials via email.


2. Plan Your Experience

Some Black Friday shoppers decide at the last minute to hit the toy store for a deal, but that is not always the wisest. Plan your shopping experience by making a list of the stores where you want to shop, where they’re located, the times they open and if they are having any door busters. Set a budget and stick to it. It’s very easy to overspend when you are faced with a multitude of sales!


3. Bring Your Coupons

There's no shame in clipping and using coupons for holiday shopping, especially on Black Friday. Special discount offers from major retailers such as JCPenney are in newspaper circulars, online or in advertisements mailed to you. Some stores also have coupons that you can download to your smartphone or print and clip for additional savings. Also take a look online at the many coupon-clipping, money-saving websites that have links to printable coupons. Some stores even


4. Black Friday Survival Guide Apps

Don’t want to fumble with the clipped coupons, shopping lists and multi-page circulars while shopping? Google Play and iTunes have free apps that can help you with all that. Both provide users with leaked Black Friday ads, discounted products and prices and deals by store. Receive push notifications on the latest store sales as well.


5. Wear Body Armor

Black Friday shopping, which typically starts early Thanksgiving evening, brings out the best and worst in people looking to save money on holiday gifts. Because people have been known to be trampled while shopping, consider protecting yourself with a piece of body armor. Chances are there won’t be a riot at the toy store over the latest video game system, but if there is, you can be prepared! Remember to also protect yourself against potential thieves who will follow you to your car and steal your merchandise if given the chance.

What are your secrets to a successful Black Friday trip?

Author Bio: Stephen Reynolds is a freelance journalist who covers shopping, entertainment and all things lifestyle. Follow him on Twitter at @sreynoldswrites.



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