Tips and Tricks for Hosting a Pizza Party

mearts & entertainment

I'm just going to come right out and say it: I love cooking for other people. Setting food on the table and watching my guests' eyes grow bigger fills me with so much happiness and the silence that occurs throughout the entire dinner is the biggest compliment. I enjoy experimenting…

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5 New Year’s Eve Activities

family funactivities

Everyone loves New Year’s Eve! You know what they say... out with the old, and in with the new. Families like to celebrate this holiday by throwing a party for their family and friends. Coming up with activities that everyone can enjoy together is a difficult task. We wanted to

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Dinner Parties: Dishes That Make Hosting and Attending Enjoyable

mearts & entertainment

Do you ever have those weekends where you feel like you are attending party after play date, and hosting in between? Trying to plan it all can get a little crazy, especially if you need to bring something or host the gathering. Here are a few tips to make your…

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