
Water Safety: 5 Steps for Swimming Pool Safety

parentinghome management

Summer is coming up fast, and that means the family swimming pool will get a lot of use. The kids will invite over their friends, there will be backyard barbecues, and most likely a lot of traffic around the pool. It’s going to be a lot of fun, but pool…

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5 Ways to Organize Your Day at the Pool

parentinghome management

Spending the day at the pool, lake, or local beach is a standard activity for many families during the summer. Having a pool day can be an easy, inexpensive way to entertain kids away from the TV or computer and allows everyone to get out and enjoy the gorgeous summer

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Teaching Kids How To Not Fear Water

parentingages and stages

When my kids were born, I began to investigate how to make the water a positive experience for them. Several moms had told me their young child had really been fearful of being in the water. I wanted to be prepared, and not accidentally do something that would make my…

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Jumping: The Conduit to Connection, Perspective, and Spontaneity

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Living Life—Two things make me really happy: being spontaneous and connecting with other people. Jumping is a conduit to both. A little over 2 years ago, I saw an awesome commercial by Famous Footwear in which a girl jumped into a pool with all of her clothes on. She…

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How to Develop and Maintain Swimming Skills During Non-Summer Months

mehealth & fitness

Summer is now over and it’s back-to-school routine for those with kids. If you and your family enjoy swimming or other water sport activities, once the school year starts and the weather gets colder, there is little chance for doing those things outside. 5 Options for Swimming in the Off…

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