Warm up with Hearty Soups and Stews

mommeal time

Yeah – Soups & Stews season is here!

Okay, so it is legal to eat soups and stews all year round, but you and I both know this is the time of year that warm, hearty soups and stews really feel ‘right’. What exactly is it about soups and stews that I love?

ONE: They are easy to make from scratch with REAL food. I love REAL food ingredients and when I make my own soups and stews I’m in charge of what goes in the pot and what stays out. I fill my soups with Powerful Proteins, Friendly Fats and Colorful Carbs – all of which provide the nutrients needed to keep my family fueled for great health and energy.

TWO: They’re forgiving. If I don’t have exactly the right root vegetable or quite enough celery, who cares??!! Not the soup, not the chef and not the diners. Still delicious.

THREE: I can make a double-batch and either freeze ½ or save it for a day or two later when it often tastes even better after all the flavors have mingled – okay, maybe that’s not an official cooking term, but we know what I mean, right? At our house, we love eating soups and stews for breakfast. If you’re at a loss for a healthy warm breakfast and are tired of oatmeal, try homemade Chicken Pot Pie soup –you’ll never think of breakfast the same way again.

FOUR: Kids love slurping soup. I only cook one meal for everyone – no short-order cooking, and thankfully, kids usually really enjoy soup. That makes my life easier. Plus, soups and stews are a great way to add lots of vegetables, either diced, chopped or pureed – and the taste can be adjusted with favorite herbs and seasonings. (P.S. Did you know that unrefined sea salt – like Celtic sea salt – is filled with minerals – not just sodium - and can be used liberally in your soups and stews? It’s healthy!)

FIVE: Kids love helping make soup (or making anything in the kitchen according to my 8-year old son, Jacob who is reading over my shoulder right now). It’s a great opportunity to teach your child about REAL food without seeming like you’re lecturing or nagging. You’re just imparting your soup & stew ‘wisdom’.

One secret to amazing soups and stews is to start with homemade broth. You can buy broth at the store, but the ingredients are almost always questionable when it comes to your health. On the other hand if you make your own broth and freeze it in batches, you’ll be ready to make mineral-rich, health-giving, traditional-tasting, beyond-delicious soups and stews whenever you want! And, making your own broth is super easy. Here are some easy and nutritious soup recipes for you and your family.

What are your favorite soups and stews? Were they handed down and now part of a family tradition? Do your kids help in the soup making process?

Angelle Batten, MA, HHC loves REAL food. She’s a teacher, a Holistic Health Coach and a mom of 3 very Adventurous Eaters. She loves working with Dr. Sue, a holistic pediatrician, and together they share their REAL (and not always pretty) journey as they feed their children REAL food everyday and solve health problems holistically. She loves helping moms like you do the same. @NourishMD has a new REAL Soups & Stews eBook where where you’ll find the Chicken Pot Pie soup, along with the broth recipes and lots of others your family will love!

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