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Balanced Play: Indoor and Outdoor Games to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

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Lifestyle—It takes only a sentence to fully translate how I understand the concept of balanced play. That sentence is the following: “I am a single mom with two sons under the age of ten.” While it can be a challenge to find the space and time to take my…

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Health and Wellness: How to Model a Balanced Life for Your Kids


September is right around the corner, which can mean busier schedules and more stress. But sending the kids back to school doesn’t mean you have to turn your back on the days of family fun and having balance in your daily life. Feeling stressed is inevitable, but you can…

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Emotional Eating: How to Shift From “Out-of-Control” to an Empowered Eater


We all eat emotionally sometimes. After all, there is a powerful connection between food and love that begins at the breast—it’s literally hardwired into us. Not to mention the conditioning we all received when given a food treat to make things “all better” when we were little. Naturally, we are…

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Pets: 5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy


She is your best friend and confidant as she jumps onto you the minute you walk through the door. Her tail sweeps the floor as she anxiously waits for a treat. What would we do without our best friends? Probably go a little bonkers, especially if that best friend…

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Health: The Truth About Willpower and Weight Loss


“If only I had more willpower I’d be able to lose this weight.” If you are like many women, this weight loss thought has crossed your mind more times than you can count. Yet, no matter how much willpower we attempt to summon, we find ourselves repeating the same…

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Exercise: How to Fit Fitness Into Your Day


Let's face it, we may have 24 hours in a day but by the time we tend to the kids, the house, the errands, and the career, there's not much time or energy left for us, is there? One thing I've heard countless times from other moms is how they…

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