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#DefyHunger #gno Twitter Party

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Feeding America crafts a coordinated response to the hunger crisis that is implemented through their vast network of food banks. Bolstered by this foundation of support at the national level, each food bank has more resources than if it operated in isolation and can reach more people in their service area.

Hunger exists everywhere in America. It does not matter if you live in a urban, suburban or rural setting - hunger has no boundaries.


Feeding Forward

We are excited to have Jyl Pattee leading a team for MINI #DefyHunger Give A Meal Team Challenge!  As a Team Captain, she's helping Feeding America raise funds to help ensure that the important work of Feeding America continues.

  • 48 million people in America don’t know where their next meal will come from.  Many are working families, children and the elderly.   Every dollar that I raise through MINI #DefyHunger Give A Meal Team Challenge will provide up to 11 meals for those struggling with hunger.
  • And you can help by joining my team or supporting my fundraising efforts with a donation!
  • Whether you become a team member or support me with a donation, I thank you for generous support!

For every dollar donated to Give A Meal Team Challenge Feeding America and our network of member food banks help provide and distribute 11 meals to Americans facing hunger.

Want to help? Here are the steps to donate:

  1. Click to visit the Feeding Forward team's page: http://bit.ly/2a4x4oL
  2. Scroll down and click on the link, indicating the team captain: "Jyl Pattee."
  3. Make a donation in the amount of your choice.
  4. (Optional) Leave your name so we can send you a thank you.
  5. Feel good, knowing you helped families facing hunger today!

Party Topic

Join @MomItForward and our panel of experts as we chat about how to #DefyHunger! The party will be held on Tuesday, July 19th from 9-10 p.m. EST (8 CT, 7 MT, 6 PT). See giveaway info here.

Party Details

Note: Mom It Forward accepts paid sponsorships for most #gno Twitter parties. During the parties, brand sponsors provide tips, techniques, expert advice, and information on party topics. Mom It Forward is grateful for the giveaway prizes, coupons, and discounts that sponsors also provide to the Mom It Forward community in conjunction with #gno Twitter parties.

RT @MomItForward Join our #gno Twitter party on 7/19 (9-10 pm EST) where we will help #defyhunger http://bit.ly/29PcqY6 PLS RT

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