
Staycations: Labor Day Camping With S’mores

travelroad trips & staycations

Labor Day weekend is usually the last weekend of the year that my family goes camping. We love to take our motorcycles out with friends and enjoy one last camping trip before the cooler weather sets in and our weekends get filled with fall sporting events.

smore grill

One of our favorite treats to eat when we are camping is s'mores. Nothing says summer and camping quite like a warm toasted marshmallow, crunchy graham cracker, and melted chocolate. I have tried so many different ways of cooking these yummy little goodies.

  • Cooking the marshmallow with a miniature candy bar in the middle and then sandwiching it between two graham Crackers.
  • Cooking the marshmallow with a Rolo in the middle.
  • Putting a toasted marshmallow in between two chocolate-covered cookies. 
  • Cooking a s'more with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in the middle.

One thing is for sure, these desserts can get sticky and gooey. I have burnt one or two when I got it too close to the fire flame. There is nothing more disappointing than having to throw a marshmallow into the fire and start again with a new one. Okay it isn't that devastating to start over because it is part of the camping experience, right?

I was recently asked to review the Coghlan's Camper's S'mores Grill. It is a handy little device that allows you to cook your s'mores or any other treat over the fire with ease. No more burnt marshmallows. This innovative little treat maker allows you to make three tasty s'mores in a matter of minutes. Can you taste the sweet warm marshmallow, crunchy graham cracker, and melted chocolate? Yum! Simpley stack your ingredients in the unit, and hold over the fire. Within minutes you will have a tasty treat your family and friends will be craving.

You don't have to go on vacation to make s'mores. We have made them many times over our fire pit on our deck. Making s'mores is a fun way to feel like you are getting away without ever leaving your house.

How do you like to prepare your S'mores? With chocolate or something else?

*I was provided a Coghlan's S'mores Grill to review. All expressions about the product are my own.

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