family fun

5 Fun Ideas to Get Together with Friends this Fall

family funentertainment & parties

  Do you live in a fun neighborhood? We sure do. Our street has about 20 houses and 36 kids, and through the years we have had some fun neighborhood parties. However, when fall and winter roll around we all seem to get busy with kids’ schedules and the upcoming holiday…

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Family Fun: Making Homemade Ice Cream

family funactivities

Family Fun—You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! There are few things better than a sweet cool treat on a hot summer day as the sun beats down. Making ice cream is not only a great treat but also a fun activity for the family.…

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The Importance of Being Bored

family funages and stagesstrengthening family

We are winding down the summer weeks and it is easy, as parents, to look at our bag of tricks and realize that we've burned through most of our ideas. We've taken the family trips, we've done the crafts, taken picnics, and we've cleaned the closets. Summer camps and…

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Vintage Backyard Family Game – Colored Eggs

family funactivitiesfamily fun-traditions

Family time is what summer is all about and with family summer activities in the plan I've been remembering my own childhood and the outdoor games we used to play? Do you remember the game colored eggs? I had completely forgotten about it until last Christmas. I noticed my brother-in-law…

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Old Fashioned Summer Watermelon Bust

family funactivities

When I was young, watermelons had seeds. The seeds were not a nuisance, but rather something that was synonymous with summer fun. I have told my children stories about the games my friends and family used to play with watermelon seeds, but they just did not understand. They seemed…

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