
Health: The Truth About Willpower and Weight Loss


“If only I had more willpower I’d be able to lose this weight.” If you are like many women, this weight loss thought has crossed your mind more times than you can count. Yet, no matter how much willpower we attempt to summon, we find ourselves repeating the same…

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Health: How to Make Healthy Eating Yummy and Fun


We like food around here, particularly healthy food. We also recognize that making food that tastes good, is also healthy and is something that even the pickiest young eater will eat and is relatively easy to fix can be difficult. That's why we made healthy, fun, yummy food the…

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Weekly Meal Plan: Heart Healthy Food

foodmeal plan

Your heart is your most vital organ. It’s what keeps us going each and every day. Every pump is encouraging us to live life and be happy. We sometimes put it through emotional pain and break it into pieces and yet it keeps pumping just for us. Our hearts are…

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5 Ways to Improve Self-Confidence

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Throughout the ups and downs of life, there are so many opportunities that present themselves that can either drain or improve your self-confidence. To help maintain a positive outlook in life, it's important to always be building on your self-confidence. From dealing with the inner critic in ourselves that tells…

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Choosing a Health Care Plan: 5 Tips for Making the Best Choice


Choosing a health care plan isn't easy. With Obama Care coming on the scene, ever changing health care provider and requirement information, and the paperwork alone required to sign up, choosing the health care plan that's right for you can be a daunting task, if not paralyzing! But while figuring…

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