
Me Time: How To Develop Positive Self-Care Habits

metime managementlifestylehealth-wellness

Me TimeTime for the whole me? The better question to ask yourself is: how do I NOT have time for the whole me? Wellness is a time investment. I know what you are thinking! “But I have four children, a husband, a job, a business, social obligations, and…

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Goal Setting: 4 Steps to Creating a Health Vision Board

mehealth & fitnesslifestylehealth-wellness

The new buzz phrase in personal development is "vision boards." You know, this idea was made popular by the personal development movie called The Secret. Most people think you get your favorite magazines, cut out your favorite pictures, put them on a poster board, and viola: your dreams will

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Me Time: 4 Ways to Make Time for Yourself

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With Valentine's Day soon approaching, many will be thinking of how to show those closest to them how much they care. For Moms, these types of thoughts tend to occupy our minds more frequently than once a year. The daily routine revolves around ensuring the family is well taken…

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Self Care: 6 Tips to Develop Your Spirituality

metime managementlifestylehealth-wellness

The past few weeks we have brought awareness to the need of time management related to your self care and more specifically the care of your physical self. Time management for “me time” really includes so much more than our physical bodies. Utilizing small steps toward the time management of…

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Legacy: How To Give To Yourself to Become a Stronger and Better Person

my worldLeaving a Legacylifestylehealth-wellness

One of the things I'm constantly writing about is giving and serving others. As an advocate for the homeless, I love to help ordinary people in the suburbs become aware of ordinary people living on the streets. We are all the same, and whether you exist in a mansion…

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