
Working it Out by Working Out


Relationships—Studies have shown that those who work out together grow a stronger bond. Therapist Dr. Whipple explained that exercising releases endorphins that make us happy and we naturally feel closer to those we are happy with. Take the opportunity with your spouse to get in shape and better your…

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Marriage: 3 Essential Elements of a Healthy Relationship With Your Spouse


Marriage—Falling in love is easy; staying in love requires effort. When the “swept-away” feeling of a young romance fades and you are brought back down to Earth by the day-to-day realities of careers, kids, obligations, and responsibilities, focusing on these three elements can help you maintain a long-lasting, healthy…

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Blogging Conferences: 10 Reasons to Take Your Spouse

mehobbies & me timelifestylehobbies-me time

I go to a lot of conferences. And while I have ended up in my own hotel room before, normally I'm sharing not only a room, but a bed with other women in social media who, like myself, are looking to reduce cost. But, when I went to Mom

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How Do You Support Your Spouse?

#gno information!

Betty (@its_me_betty), today's guest post author, is a wife of a blogger, mother of one son, and has a little fat beagle named Fred. She enjoys helping her husband promote his blog, TheJoeReview.Every Saturday he posts one of my recipes on his blog & also writes about

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