
Traveling With Your Pet

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7 Unbelievable Budget Vacation Destinations

travelinternational travel

Vacationing on a budget is never an easy task. Whether it’s paying for expensive flights, spending money on costly restaurants, or buying a bunch of souvenirs, the expenses add up quickly and can leave you going home with an empty bank account. It’s tough to imagine going on a vacation

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Family Acitivies: Creating Disney Magic at Home

family funactivities

My family and I love vacationing with Disney. Disney World, Disney Cruise Line, Disneyland... it doesn't matter. We have made wonderful memories at all of these family-friendly destinations. When we aren't on vacation, it's fun to bring home a little of the magic. Here are some ways for you to…

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What to Do With Your Dog When You Travel

travelroad trips & staycations

Going on vacation soon? Wondering what to do with your dog when you travel? Consider a doggy boot camp, combining boarding and dog training, for your dog while you're on your trip. We recently took a 3 1/2 week family vacation to Europe. As part of our planning process, we…

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Disneyland and Justin Bieber: Planning a Sister’s Vacation to California

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Vacation—Typically, when planning a vacation—family or otherwise—I'd get a say in the agenda. Not this time. And for a very good reason. My youngest sister Brooke is, count them, 20 years younger than me. She just turned 21 and in celebration, my mom flew up from Guatemala and…

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