5 Ways to Improve Self-Confidence

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Throughout the ups and downs of life, there are so many opportunities that present themselves that can either drain or improve your self-confidence. To help maintain a positive outlook in life, it's important to always be building on your self-confidence. From dealing with the inner critic in ourselves that tells us that we aren't good enough to tackling every day personal and/or work tasks, there are many chances for self-confidence to be depleted. But, if you continue to work on your self-confidence on a regular basis, you'll see major improvements to your overall well-being.

5 Ways to Improve Self-Confidence

In order to improve your self-confidence, be sure to follow these five simple steps on a daily or weekly basis.

Avoid Negative Self-Talk

Start the day with positive affirmations. You could even write one positive affirmation in a journal or say one positive affirmation out loud before you get out of bed. Starting your day off on the right foot will help you continue to have self-confidence throughout the day. Face the inner critic head on and do away with the negative self-talk. The negative self-talk is only going to set you back. Believe in the power of positive thinking.

Connect With People You Love

Send your friends a text, call your parents, meet up with a friend for coffee ... whether it be a simple gesture or a fun meeting, be sure that you're always connecting with the people you love.

Take Care of Yourself

Read this quote and believe in it: “Self-care is never a selfish act -- it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” -- Parker Palmer In other words, make time for "me time" throughout the day or week. Make sure you're eating healthy, getting exercise, and making sure your emotional and physical health are in check.You must take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

Help Someone Else

Helping others, whether a neighbor or your community, will help you feel good about yourself and feel grateful for what you have. It can often be a humbling experience. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, embrace your strengths and offer those strengths to someone who is in need.

Rock Your Smile

A smile can go a long way. As Anthony J. D'Angelo once said, "Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart." One simple smile can go a long way to making someone else's day a bit brighter, as well as improving your own overall positive outlook on life.

The first step to rocking your smile is to become comfortable with your smile. If you're not happy with the way your teeth look, there’s never been a better time to straighten your teeth with the most advanced clear aligner in the world. That's right. Why go with braces when you can go with a clear aligner?

Invisalign® clear aligners are custom-made for you. The aligners are virtually invisible and fit snugly over your teeth. Each aligner shifts your teeth slightly, moving them horizontally and vertically and even rotating them when needed. Your aligners are engineered to use the right amount of force in the right place at the right time. When you change to the next set of aligners (typically every week) your teeth gradually move into position, following a custom treatment plan mapped out by your doctor.

Why choose Invisalign? When you don’t just accept what you see, you can imagine something new. That's why Invisalign® clear aligners were invented. Because you were made to move.

Here are some of the benefits of choosing Invisalign:

  • Up to 50% faster treatment times* — With weekly aligner changes, you’re on your way to the smile you want even faster.
  • Proven results — SmartTrack® material and SmartForce® features are clinically proven to achieve 75% more predictable tooth movement.**
  • Better fit, better comfort — Aligners made from SmartTrack material are more comfortable, better fitting, and easier to put on and take off.***
  • Effective for a wide variety of cases — Proprietary SmartForce features and SmartTrack material make Invisalign treatment effective for complex cases. With innovations like these, your doctor can move your teeth more precisely.
  • Unique feature for teens — Invisalign clear aligners for teens contain compliance indicators that fade from blue to clear to help gauge wear time.

How do you improve self-confidence?

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Invisalign as part of their Family Forward 2017 sponsorship.

*Weekly aligner changes are recommended for all Invisalign® treatments (with default staging protocol) for all Invisalign products. The decision to prescribe weekly aligner changes is at the doctor’s discretion. Monitor tooth movements such as rotations, extrusions, and significant root movements, particularly blue and black movements in the Tooth Movement Assessment (TMA). Depending on the patient response to treatment, particularly in mature adults, the doctor may consider longer periods between aligner changes.
** SmartTrack material and SmartForce features are clinically proven to improve control of tooth movement with Invisalign clear aligners. Data on file at Align Technology.
***Compared to aligners made of off-the-shelf, single layer .030in material. Data on file at Align Technology.

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