
Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Tips to Easily Manage Time and Fitness

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It's amazing how staying fit somehow always seems at odds with our busy schedules! Whether it's finding time to cook a healthy dinner while also getting your kids to and from soccer practice, or finding snacks without refined sugar that offer enough of an energy boost to get you through the day, staying fit and on-time can be a challenge. They shouldn't be, though.

If things are done right, a busy person can also be a fit person. We've offered some tips on how to do that here and here. Here are some more tips, provided by Tweeters at a MomItForward Girls' Night Out Twitter party (#gno) sponsored by McDonald's back in June.

6 Tips for Managing Time and Fitness

    1. Use Google Calendar. This was the most tweeted tip. Both @MomInManagement and @MrsWndr say they use a mix of that and paper calendars to bring organization to their busy lives.
    2. Check out, a free online diet journal and calorie tracker. This tip came from @KellyOlexa, who says, "@CraigRichard1 and I use to track my stuff. If I don't track, I get way off."
    3. Check out if you have a smart phone. Recommended by our own @jylmomIF, it is a free online organizer and mobile that has family calendar, to-do list, shopping list, family journal, and meal planning features. She says, "It's an awesome way to schedule appointments. Syncs with your phone. Great for grocery shopping too."
    4. Put nutritious snacks in single-serving baggies right after buying them, then put the filled baggies back in the box the snacks came in, so they're ready to eat on-the-go, says @Katm21. Also, try putting smaller portions of less-nutritious snacks like chips into baggies and then back in their original container, so as to make portion control easier.
    5. Give healthy options. While taking the unhealthy food options (i.e., ones with high sugar, fat, or sodium) out of the pantry altogether, give yourself and your kids lots of healthy options to choose from, so that no one feels deprived and it's easy to pick some healthy as you're heading out the door.
    6. Check out this link from @CybraryMan1 for instructions on how to make a snow fort, Star Wars paper snowflakes, and other awesome winter activities with your kids.

How do you stay fit with a busy schedule? What helps you and your family to stay fit and stay on time for appointments, practice, school, work, etc.?

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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