How to Develop and Maintain Swimming Skills During Non-Summer Months

mehealth & fitness

Learning How to Swim

Summer is now over and it’s back-to-school routine for those with kids. If you and your family enjoy swimming or other water sport activities, once the school year starts and the weather gets colder, there is little chance for doing those things outside.

5 Options for Swimming in the Off Season

Luckily, there are some options for those of who still want to be active during the non-summer months.

1. Take advantage of indoor swimming activities. Many organizations provide indoor swimming activities for people of all ages and fitness levels. Your local YMCA or Red Cross is a great source for these programs. You are sure to find a program or class where you can learn something new, or fine tune current skills.

2. Take swimming lessons. If you or your children don’t know how to swim, or lack confidence in your current skills, this type of program may interest you. It can teach you to swim or take your existing skills and hone them to make you better at the basics. It is also a great opportunity for kids to learn a skill that could save their lives one day, and have great fun in the process.

3. Focus on activities that encourage competitive refinement. I found some programs that help you refine your existing skills, build competitive strokes, and endurance. What a wonderful way to stay in shape over the non-summer months so that you’re ready to excel when the warm weather returns. No more step-by-step endurance build up from winter laxity; just pure power that has been in use for months.

4. If appropriate, sign up (or sign your kids up) for swim classes for those with special needs. There are some organizations that even offer classes for those who have special needs, whether those needs are physical or age related. I know people who have wanted to participate in swimming activities, indoor as well as outdoor, but get discouraged when they see a group of much younger people in the class. A class focused on teaching at a comfortable pace, with individual attention is often just what the doctor ordered for many older or physically challenged would-be swimmers. .

5. Take private lessons. I know many people who are too self-conscious to take group lessons to learn anything. There are programs geared toward this type of would-be swimmer as well. You can avail yourself of the private lesson opportunities to learn to swim, increase and fine tune your skills, and build your endurance.

While many of these programs will likely be found at your local YMCA, don’t overlook checking with some of the local schools or colleges and fitness / community centers to get hooked up with some much needed exercise to supplement those swimming skills during non-summer months.

Jane Warren

Jane Warren enjoys outdoor water sports such as swimming, diving, and boating. She started the review blog which provides reviews, and recommendations on water sports equipment, including accessories like scuba diving watches and Garmin handheld GPS units.
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