How to Make a Popsicle Stick Sled Ornament
Christmas is not too far away and we're getting into the spirit of the season by making ornaments for our tree. Today we're going to teach you how to make a Popsicle stick sled ornament.
To make this ornament you'll need:
- 12-14 wooden craft sticks (Popsicle sticks)
- 2 tooth picks
- Hot glue gun with glue*
- Red and brown paint (brown is optional)
- Twine
- Scissors
*You can use regular wood glue for this project, however, it will take longer to make and may be a bit more difficult.
Before you start making your sled out of Popsicle sticks, please note that this is something you make with your child as adult supervision is needed with the hot glue gun and younger children will need help with the cutting.
Step 1
Take 5 sticks and line them up as seen above. Cut the indented end of the sticks so that they are evenly rounded as above.
Step 2
Take another stick and cut it into two pieces just slightly wider than three sticks.
Step 3
Use the two small stick pieces to glue and brace the five sticks together as seen above.
Step 4
You may have noticed that when you cut your sticks they tend to splinter. Take two small pieces of stick and cut them length-wise to make six "splinters".
Step 5
Glue three "splinters" on top of each end of the brace pieces as seen above.
Step 6
Cut one rounded end off of two Popsicle sticks and then cut a third stick in half.
Step 7
Use more "splinters" to glue one and one-half sticks together as seen above. These will be your sled skis.
Step 8
Glue your long sticks (skis) onto your stacked splinters, making the front stick out longer than the back. It just so happened on our sled that our ski splinters aligned with our brace splinters.
Step 9
Cut another stick just wider than your sled.
Step 10
As in steps 4 and 5, use splinters to glue the stick you just cut to the front of the sled.
This is where we were having too much fun and I forgot to take photos...
Step 11
Cut and glue two tooth picks as shown above.
Step 12
Mix red and brown paint together to make a reddish-brown color. If you don't have brown paint, plain red is just fine. Paint the skis, top cross bar, and toothpicks as shown.
Step 13
Cut some twine and glue it to the cross bar as shown above. Then tie a knot close to the cross bar.
Step 14
Sit back and admire your work!
Have you made ornaments with your kids before? What have you made?

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- How to Make a Popsicle Stick Sled Ornament - November 18, 2013